Saturday, November 15, 2008

Excited flower girls

Mark is getting married soon and his fiance, Yet has chosen to include our girls as flower girls.

I thought it'd be nice to have a dinner where the flower girls could spend time with Yet. Yet was super - she brought these gorgeous tiaras for the girls and spent time reading books before dinner. A fun evening and a chance to see the girls try on their dresses.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Big Move

November 1 arrived with us ready to move from the rental house in Bothell to our real house in Woodinville (note - I didn't say "organized"). Lucky for us, my mom and sister arrived early to take the kids out for the day.

Dan and I hurredly finished packing the kitchen and miscellaneous stuff you can't live without. Gave everything a final clean sweep, the whole time bantering back and forth, wondering if our move crew would show up. By 11am, we gave up and Dan went out to pick up laborers from Home Depot - they saved the day.

From there, the move went fairly well. It didn't start raining until after we arrived at the Woodinville house.

A hurried unload process and we jumped in cars to return the rental truck and take Megan to Renton for Jaden's birthday party. Of course, we couldn't find the gift we had bought, so had to stop and pick one up on the way. We were about 2 hours late and a bit wilted by the time we arrived... but the girls had fun.

Funniest event of the weekend - we weren't even home 24-hours before the first fire was going in the firepit. Ahhh. It's good to be home.

Fire pit going, less than 24-hours after being home. Don't know why Blogger loaded the pic sideways... am too tired to continue troubleshooting.