Friday, June 19, 2009

Hurray for rain! After ~30 beautiful, warm, sun-shiny days, the rain is back. My parched plants are happy and somehow, it just is nice to have a little drizzle. And despite the signs pointing toward "no" I am hoping to harvest at least one tomato from one of the 12 plants (11 still surviving) that I eagerly bought in May.

School is out and our entry-way is littered with the remnants of a very busy 2nd grade year for Megan. She's exhausted but is looking forward to a bit of a break. Sophia on the other hand keeps asking why she can't go to elementary school. Funny kids.

On the wine front, I toured a pretty cool wine shop in Redmond, World of Wines. One of their good customers filled in and gave me quite the tour and education on favorite wines. I do plan to stop back in for some of their tastings - they have quite an exhaustive schedule.
I was looking for a local source of my new favorite, Thurston Wolfe PGV - but haven't found it in stock anywhere in the area. I did try two wines recommended by World of Wines, a Pinot Grigio (don't recall the label, but was nothing spectacular in my opinion) and a very good Tempranillo.
  • ~$13 - Vilosell 2006 Segre Red Wine - Tempranillo blend from the region in Spain where Tempranillo originated. Yummy, spicy and very nice. The flavor really opens up if you warm it a little in your hand. Do be careful of the sediment in the last glass. It hides in the beautiful dark color of the wine. The wine bottle is cool too - the label is in Braille on the back!
The next few weeks are busy - will have to try and update the blog more frequently.
Father's Day will find us at the Washington Brewer's Festival at St. Edward's State Park - assuming the rain lets up. We traditionally spend one weekend day there - just hanging out with the kids, good friends and good beer.
The last weekend in June, we're heading up to Mount Baker Vineyards for another of their tasting dinners. Always a good time - though I always seem to spend more than we had budgeted. It's so hard when they offer such a good case discount and you can't find their wines at retail.
Then comes the 4th of July party - lots of planning, ideas and fun! Looking forward to it! Maybe a wine tasting or two; maybe a water rocket (or 13) project for the kids.
Ciao for now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Busy day! First thing this morning, Megan and I took off and ran in the Kirkland Mother's Day 5k. I didn't think it would be too difficult, but that was partially because I had misread the online map and thought it was along the Kirkland waterfront. When I realized it was at Juanita Park, I had the foresight to buy Gu for Megan... but promptly forgot it at home. (photo left: the half-marathoners queuing up to start)

We carb'd up on bagels and hot chocolate for Megan (coffee for me) enroute ... so I was hopeful that she would be fine. She wasn't. After the 2nd (and last) hill, she bonked, hard. Fortunately we were 2 miles in so the worst was over and it was a matter of encouraging her on to finish strong. The promise of a doughnut of her choice provided the second (and third) energy bursts required and she and I crossed the finish line at 39:37 - I think we made it through a little faster than our first, flat run two weeks ago. I know now, never to forget the Gu again. (Photo right: Megan, getting ready to roll)

Megan's ranking in the race - not bad, especially given the division is 01-19 years! (first name, city information edited out; full results available here)

Happily finished with the run, we made our stop at QFC for the long anticipated doughnut and then towards home to start getting ready for brunch.
Brunch schedule was agressive - got home at 10; had brunch (mostly) ready to go at 1:30 ... and had to shower and dress in there. Our folks got here around 1:00 and we feasted on all kinds of yummy, homemade stuff. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the afternoon - fun to have long lingering meals and conversation.
  • Omelettes (mushrooms, ham, leeks, red & green onions, garlic, shredded cheddar)Strawberries & Whipped Cream
  • Ham & Mini-Rolls with Stone Ground Mustard
  • Cranberry Black Walnut Coffee Cake (disguised as muffins with blueberries instead)
  • Cheddar Apple Bundles
  • Maple Smoked Bacon
  • Coffee & Iced Tea

Dan played short-order cook, making omelettes to order - which is a fun way to handle the group, but meant we were mostly finished before he had a chance to sit down and join us. Afterwards, our moms and Dan cleared the table and ran the first (ahem, 3rd?) batch of dishes.

Here's the food, where are the people?

After everyone left, I literally crashed - long nap has never felt so good! I feel fortunate to be surrounded by such a loving family. Surrounded by loving girls, their Mother's Day artwork, roses and chocolates, I'm in heaven.


Monday, April 27, 2009

10-years wedded bliss

Posted 5/6 - back dated to event

Blink and suddenly you go from "newly weds" to 10-years and 2 kids!
I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Two other couples we are close friends with also celebrate their 10th anniversaries this year - Holly and Michael the same weekend as ours and Derek and Michelle later in the summer.

Thanks to Derek and Michelle's great idea, we got together and went to the Spring Barrel Tasting event in Yakima. While Yakima itself didn't impress me (did you know there's nothing to do there in the evenings? Not that we found anyway), we had a blast and I came home feeling like the inside of an old oak barrel.

I owe a more detailed entry of what we liked, what we didn't - we were surprised to find that many of the small boutique wineries with wines in the $25-$35 range weren't necessarily the most enjoyable. One of group's favorites stops was the massive Terra Blanca - with wines that were in the $10 range, a wide variety and an awesome destination.

Wineries we visited (in order):

I owe a much longer post and need to upload pictures. Suffice it to say, we tasted too much, ate too much and bought too much. But, good times, good friends, good wine. Great weekend.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First 5k

Posted 5/6 - late, as usual, back dated to event date.

Saturday, 4/18 - Megan and I ran in the Northshore YMCA 5k as a part of their Healthy Kids Day event. We arrived about 10 minutes early and I had the tiniest feeling of "I don't belong here" as I looked at a medium sized group of what appeared to be serious runners. In my moment of self-doubt, I thought to myself, how many people casually say, 'hey, let's go run a 5k today!" After all, Megan's never expressed an interest in running before and I certainly don't love it. As more and more people arrived, I realized I was being silly - the thing I'm learning to love about running is that it's an activity open to everyone - all body shapes, sizes, kids, grown ups. Feeling confident again, we finished stretching and got ready for the race.

We were a few minutes (10?) late starting and I didn't look at my watch - but we were done by 9:50 - so certainly couldn't have been more than 40-45 minutes on the course. We jogged virtually the whole way and I found it's actually good for me to jog with Megan - it forces me to keep a slow, steady pace. I tend to want to run in bursts (like she does).

Favorite memories of the event:

  • "My little legs are tired," said Megan about 3/4 of the way through

  • Watching her respond with a new burst of energy whenever there were volunteers cheering us on

  • Watching her confidence level raise through the day as she started telling people that she ran the 5k

  • Watching grown-ups reactions when Megan told them she'd ran a 5k

  • Megan asking if we can do it again the next day.

I think her favorite part was the Jamba Juice at the end - she was about to bonk and the fruit smoothy totally re-energized her.

Mother's Day 5k in Kirkland is next. By the end of the day, I had myself comitted to the Cougar Mountain 5 mile run too - May 16.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Scherer - "Meow"

Posted May 6 - back dated to event date

Sadly, we lost a cat in February (Schitzy). As the weeks went on, we realized that with only fish and a feral rescue, who won't let you pet her, that our family was in need of a new pet. The hunt was on - lots of research into hairless felines (I think they are cute). Definitely focused on a cat, not a dog in hopes that Moochy (the feral) would settle in and accept the new pal.

Searching online one night, I came across the cutest face and I knew! The next day, I begged Dan to stop by the shelter - and after about 10 minutes, I made him bring the kids in. Needless to say, we adopted "Fabio" from the Homeward Pet Adoption Center in Woodinville and have since renamed him "Patches."

He's a great cat - loves having our yard and surrounding woods to explore. The girls simply adore him and he's settled in, taking ownership of our house. The only one not happy about the arrangement is Moochy - she is not impressed. Well, maybe he'll get through to her yet - meanwhile, we're a dual cat-zone household.