Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long Overdue Update

Wow! Can't believe how quickly time goes by some days. It's been a very long, interesting 9 months. Don't worry, no new babies on the horizon here! =)

Life between posts looked something like this:
  • Discovered Wine.Woot. (maybe that was before May, 2010)
  • Dan visited Mt. Baker!
  • Lost a job.
  • First WBNA game - Go Storm!
  • Back-to-School for the girls (K/4th)
  • Got a job.
  • Family reunion (Dan).
  • FUN car.
  • Drank some wine.
  • Kid-free date nights.
  • Got butt kicked at bootcamp (repeatedly).
  • Made lots and lots of bread.
  • Had fun with friends.
  • New Years Eve tree lighting.

Missed more than I included - but there you are. Snapshot of what's kept me away from blogging for the past 9-months. That and Facebook makes it feel redundant - alas, will try, try again.


Kati said...

Hello. My name is Kati EVans. My husband I have been reading through your blog. We rved North America for 3 years. We stopped and took a break near Portland, and we are about to buy a new RV and travel through Europe.
I dont want to bother you by asking, we use to get so many emails on our site with questions. but if you have time could I ask you a few questions?

I would love to see if you would mind answering them.


I didnt know how to contact you. My email is momofmy4@msn.com

Jerry said...

My wife and I are planning to ship our RV to Europe, travel, then sell it in Europe. Many people discourage this. How did you handle the sale and European taxes and registration?


Jerry (keystoo@gmail.com)